Microsoft Office 365 Multifactor Authentication Set Up

Know more about this feature:

Why use Multi-Factor Authentication? 0:16

Multi-Factor Authentication for Email and Office 365 0:48

What Applications will this Impact? 1:12

Go through these EASY steps:


πŸ“On your mobile device: Download and install to your mobile device

πŸ“In your web browser: Open a web browser and go to or when apps like Outlook and Teams are opened on your desktop, you will be prompted in the same manner.

πŸ“In your web browser: Log in with your company email address and password.

πŸ“In your web browser: When prompted that "More information is required" click Next.

πŸ“In your web browser: On the "Additional security verification" page, set the following options:

Step 1: How should we contact you? = Mobile app

How do you want to use the mobile app? = Receive notifications for verification

Verify that you have selected the appropriate options before continuing

πŸ“In your web browser: Click the "Set up" button

πŸ“On your mobile device: Open the Microsoft Authenticator app

πŸ“On your mobile device: Click the Plus to add a new account

πŸ“On your mobile device: Select work or school account

πŸ“On your mobile device: If you are asked to allow the Microsoft Authenticator app to use your camera, select allow

πŸ“On your mobile device: Point the QR reader at the QR code on the web page

πŸ“On your mobile device: The Microsoft Authenticator App should automatically add the account

πŸ“In your web browser: Wait for the portal web page to verify the setup

πŸ“On your mobile device: You should get a pop-up on the mobile device asking to Deny or Allow the login, select Allow

πŸ“In your web browser: For "Step 3:" enter your mobile phone number, and click Done

πŸ“In your web browser: Click Next to finish the setup

πŸ“You might be prompted to put a bit more information, on a page labeled "don't lose access to your account!". This page is where you will set up your password recovery options so that you can reset your password through O365.

πŸ“Remember that each token expires in 90 days.


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