Microsoft Office 365 Multifactor Authentication Set Up
Know more about this feature:
Why use Multi-Factor Authentication? 0:16
Multi-Factor Authentication for Email and Office 365 0:48
What Applications will this Impact? 1:12
Go through these EASY steps:
πOn your mobile device: Download and install to your mobile device
πIn your web browser: Open a web browser and go to or when apps like Outlook and Teams are opened on your desktop, you will be prompted in the same manner.
πIn your web browser: Log in with your company email address and password.
πIn your web browser: When prompted that "More information is required" click Next.
πIn your web browser: On the "Additional security verification" page, set the following options:
Step 1: How should we contact you? = Mobile app
How do you want to use the mobile app? = Receive notifications for verification
Verify that you have selected the appropriate options before continuing
πIn your web browser: Click the "Set up" button
πOn your mobile device: Open the Microsoft Authenticator app
πOn your mobile device: Click the Plus to add a new account
πOn your mobile device: Select work or school account
πOn your mobile device: If you are asked to allow the Microsoft Authenticator app to use your camera, select allow
πOn your mobile device: Point the QR reader at the QR code on the web page
πOn your mobile device: The Microsoft Authenticator App should automatically add the account
πIn your web browser: Wait for the portal web page to verify the setup
πOn your mobile device: You should get a pop-up on the mobile device asking to Deny or Allow the login, select Allow
πIn your web browser: For "Step 3:" enter your mobile phone number, and click Done
πIn your web browser: Click Next to finish the setup
πYou might be prompted to put a bit more information, on a page labeled "don't lose access to your account!". This page is where you will set up your password recovery options so that you can reset your password through O365.
πRemember that each token expires in 90 days.